Home / About / City Hall / Office of the Mayor / Role
Québec City's mayor is elected by universal suffrage and is responsible for ensuring the city is properly administered and performs well economically.
The mayor holds the power to supervise, investigate, and monitor all city services and the work of city personnel.
He ensures that revenues are collected and spent in accordance with the law.
He is charged with transmitting to the City Council any information or suggestions likely to improve finances, public order, or the health and well-being of the city's residents.
He chairs the City's Executive Committee and the Québec Metropolitan Community (CMQ).
Bruno Marchand Mayor of Québec City
Hôtel de ville 2, rue des Jardins, bureau 115 Québec (Québec) G1R 4S9 Phone: 418 641-6434 Fax: 418 641-6318
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