Home / Business / Québec City Film Friendly / Local Expertise
Québec City has a pool of seasoned technicians, brilliant performers, production companies with a range of expertise, and film and television service providers.
To learn more about local resources and take advantage of their skills, go to the following websites:
Directory (“Bottin”)
Contact: Jean-Michel Girouard VP – Québec City jmgirouard@uda.ca
Website (french only)
Even if the UDA doesn't have jurisdiction over English language productions, you can access it's members directory and use the search tool on their website.
Contact: David Giasson Labour Relations Advisor, Québec City Area Telephone: 514-844-2113 dgiasson@aqtis514iatse.com
Business Agent, IATSE Local 523 Telephone: 418-265-0667 agentaffaire@iatse523.com
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